Hello World!

Hello everyone! We are Emily and Kacey, two students studying Asian history and culture at university with a passion for travel and foreign languages. We will soon be studying abroad, each in different countries (Emily in South Korea, and Kacey in Japan) and instead of just sharing our experiences with one another, we decided to share them with the world!

We thought that creating a blog would help us to not only inform each other and our friends of what we have learnt and experienced on our travels, but that it could also be beneficial to those around the world with the same interests, plans and dreams.

Since we couldn’t decide what to base this blog on solely (Travel? Education? Lifestyle?). We just kind of went for a mixture of content, focusing mainly on travel and culture, language learning and beauty and style, to enable to help our readers get an all round experience of living the culture of another country.

We hope that anyone else with similar interests or goals will be able to take from our experiences and that they will help you get to where you want to be, whether that’s being your own j-fashion icon, travelling the world or learning Korean!

With a combined passion for travel to many different countries, particularly within Asia and Europe we wanted to document this and share it with others who have the same passion for travel, and a deep interest in Asian countries. During our study abroad we would like to find many places which we can recommend to others, both in the areas we will be living in, as well as in various other areas around the country.

As we both major in different languages (Korean and Japanese) as well as dabbling in many more, we hope to be able to help you find textbooks, apps and other online learning software for those of you interested in learning a language. Particularly the ones which we ourselves are learning, as well as the ones which we have dabbled in.

Along with this, we will also be looking at different songs, films and dramas which can be particularly helpful with language learning, so as to help you get the best from your interests when it comes to studying too!

Even though only one of us has a strong interest in beauty and style, we thought that there would be a lot which can be covered under this section, which can be sometimes difficult to find if you are not living in that country, or speaking of that language.

This section will focus mostly on Korean style and beauty, as it is becoming more and more popular in the western world, however, places to find out the latest trends and styles are quite limited for the non-korean speaking population. Here we aim to bring all of this together and provide a place to keep you updated on trends, styles and pop culture!

Thank you for reading and we hope you enjoy our blog!

  • Welcome to our Wanderland

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